Meridian Ambassador Program
In 2023 two long standing Board Persons chose to step off the Board but committed to having an active role in our Meridian Community and thus, the Ambassador Program was born.
This program is offered to select type of person in our community who are considered to have significant influence, share our values and feel passionate about what Meridian does. The Program is designed to help Meridian grow its community year on year, without the person having to commit to operational or legal involvement.
On a best endeavours basis, attend the 4 Meridian Events as our VIP Guest, the priority being the Giving Circle Event.
Bring at least 5 members of the community who have the potential to become a Donor to each event.
Convert at least 3 guests to Donors in each financial year.
Make a minimum $1000 contribution to our giving circle each year.
1 x Social Media Post leading up to each event.
1 x Social Media Post after attending each event.
Commit to the Ambassador Program for a minimum of 3 years with the view to possibly extend thereafter.